Last weekend we were treated to the reuniting of some dear old friends. Travis Hale and Mike Incze Traveled in from NYC and Jared Pearce from Seattle, all for the embracing of Oregon's back country wilderness. After weeks of chats, phone calls and emails, our packs were packed and we caravaned via hwy 22 leaving the Willamette valley behind. Trail head Lava Camp marked the departure, nestled in the Three Sisters Widerness....oh yeah!
Making our way past North Matthieu Lake towards South Matthieu Lake, twin aquatic bodies that offer different takes of a similar forest. After weighing the options such as having a fire, foliage, and seclusion we opted for the larger northern lake and found a secluded campsite that held vistas of young lava fields and crystal clear North Matthieu. A late afternoon scramble to preview the adventurous hike to come left large smiles and wind swept hair on all. The setting up of camp and the first of many fine meals to come. Later that night we sat around a warming fire, passing Bullet Bourbon and receiving a tutorial of heavenly bodies that shone high above. Necks strained taking in random streaks of falling meteors.
Saturday we awoke fresh and ready for the trek to Collier Cone. Cowboy coffee warmed the gullet while a tasty egg and tater mash-up filled the tank up. The ascent from our camp to Collier Cone would have us hiking the famous Pacific Crest Trail, many, many miles through varying terrain. High alpine tundra gave way to young lava fields, grassy meadows meandering past bubbling springs, rock lined ridges crested bountiful vistas, all leading to the final ascent of Collier cone: 75,034 feet above sea level! Truly one of the finest day hikes one can embark on. We came across a few through hikers on the PCT boasting a three month trek to date. We rested often gorging on trail mix, banana chips and gut loving homemade Brooklyn energy bars, yum. Travis served us fine tailored sandwiches: fig and goat cheese on whole grain that tickled the pallet. Sounds of breaking glacier falling into minty blue water delighted our ears while resting at the summit.
We left camp hiking at around ten in the morning. We did not arrive back to camp until about five that evening. Round trip miles...fourteen perhaps? One might ask Jared for the exact miles.
B E A utiful!!!!!!!!!
The final ascent of the day putting us just about 75,034 feet above sea club at new heights!
A view to the east with the Blue Mountain Range in the distance. North Sister summit.
Fresh spring water right from the source.