

*************************************AUTUMN LOVE*************************************

We are about six weeks into the great mushroom hunt of 09' and I tell you what...We have had one heck-of-a-good time this autumn. One of the highlights was escorting our dear friend Senior Seymour House to a hidden hillside nestled deep within the Oregon coastal mountain range. A top- secret gold mine of ripe chanterelles that peeked out of the damped undergrowth of broad sword ferns and jungle like flora. From there we traveled to the coast to hunt for the elussive King Bolete!

The Mumu's and the Kuku's searching the area near the Santiam river..........................
Aspen Boletus

Researching this specimen and finding it to be in the Shaggy Parasol family
We have many tools, books and references that aid in our research in identifying the fungal finds.
Behold: our bounty of fantastical fungus...We had to buy a food dehydrator after this haul! Cathy spent many hour dedicated to the slicing and drying process of the darlings. That night we feasted on a fantastic pasta meal heaping high with fresh chanterelles and Boletus Edulis YUM!

Bon appetit!