
Boating, Billing, Crime Fiction and Politicing

We are making a go of it here in Silverton, Oregon. Susan has been working for her mother, keeping the books: billing, marketing, organizing. She is known as the Office Manager of Silverton Counseling. Her off time lately has been spent in front of a sewing machine. Alex has secured a teaching position at the Oregon Garden. He teaches fifth graders that attend the on field trips. He has become an amateur regarding wetlands, insects and animal tracking. His days are spent in the out of doors, in one of the twenty-one different specialty gardens. He also holds the title of Security Officer at Silverton Counseling. We are happily enjoying the Autumn colors as they transform the many greens into spectra of warm colors. We have also developed some new addictive pastimes: following the presidential election which includes watching as many Youtube parodies of Palin as possible, vinyl record collecting, recycling glass bottles in automated machines, and reading the novels of Ian Rankin (Alex). We are missing fiends dearly so please leave comments or email us.
                                   Owen, Ian, and Alex



jonesiac said...

Hey i think I have the brother shirt of that shirt. If there is such relations in T shirts.

I am reading Neal Stephenson. "Snow Crash".

Anonymous said...

I am so excited that you and Owen were able to go to the book signing of Ian Rankin. Hope you know you have converted me to become one of his enthusiastic followers. He looks so young and has such a detailed ability to drag his readers into the plot of each and every story, one can hardly put his novels down and anxiously grab the next. I went to four used book stores this past week and collected seven more titles to add to my growing new-used collection. I intend to pass them on to Brian B. as I think he is now also hooked. If Mr. Rankin ever comes to SLC you know I'll be waiting in line...Thanks again to you and Owen for introducing me to such a fun read...! Love Ya All,MOM CAT