As the political spectacle begins to subside (has it?), we make preparations for the coming winter months. This Autumn has left us with utterly large grins across our faces. Like a stranger in a strange land, our hobbies and interests seem more enjoyable than ever---in gerunds: bicycling, thrifting, mushroom hunting, record shopping, micro brew sipping, kombucha making, darkroom assembling, puzzling, and Atari playing. Last weekend we made a trip to the beautiful town of Corvallis, Oregon. There we had Vindilo (our volvo) lubed up and toped off for our up coming trip to Idaho. We found a scrumptious little restaurant by the name of Zia that took us back to our land of enchantment days. Ordering our chili X-mas style ushered a slew of savory memories....shout out to 505!
Pictured here is Susan saving her giant S.C.O.B.I mother and preparing another batch of mouth watering kombucha tea. If one happens to let a batch of tea ferment too long then the options of use may vary: hair wash, foot bath, house cleaner, this that and the other.
The Autumn has been down right perfect to indulge in the art of mushroom hunting here in Oregon. This weekend the holy grail of mushrooms was found to our delight. Cathy, Susan's mother has been teacher and mentor of all things fungi. Walking through the mist along a river bed she found the famous and choice Conifer Coral Hericium! Hericium abietis: "eminenty edible, delectably delicious. When thoroughly cooked it is reminiscent of fish and is excellent sauteed, curried, or marinated. However, it's breathtaking beauty poses a minor moral dilemma: should one ruthlessly uproot it for the sake of a meal, or leave it for others to see?"
Only the most choice mushrooms for the connoisseur
Now that I know what S.C.O.B.I. is ,it totally explains the strange looking bottle of "goop" for lack of a better word, that I saw in your bathroom. Very, very interesting stuff..I'm not sure where these ideas come from, but you two really know about a lot of strange things I have never heard of..not surprising! It's so much fun to keep up on your continuing advertures now that you are home. This blog is truly fantastic..keep up the great is such a great way to keep informed on the many aspects of your daily lives. Love Ya, MOM CAT
Mom cat rules! thanks for keeping track of our crazy adventures.
xoxoxoxo Baf/Suz
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