
Pacfic Coast Bicycle Trip 5.0

Continuing the story of a remarkable ride...

Leaving the cities and heading back into the redwods, we are well rested from the holiday retreat in Eureka, CA. Our route rambles through farm land and eventually onto the avenue of the GIANTS. Suz and I take five along a roadside stand and enjoy a fresh blackberry popsicle. Other unique attractions along the avenue include the eternal tree house and a large wooden carved corn sculpture...needing to get that last image from one of the Michigan Boys!

Changing out the break pads after about three thousand miles.

Pleased to introduce: The Michigan Boys, Alex and Jamen. Fine lads with whom we rode on and off with throughout the next several days. A very enjoyable pair that contributed many good tales of bicycling down the 101.

The Fever of bicycle touring is spreading.

The hardest part of the ride would have to of been the section known as Standish Hickey (spoken in a scary pirate-like voice), a.k.a. The Leggett mountain pass. Susan and I left Richardson Grove State Park and traveled south up several hills past Standish Hickey State Park, continuing on to the junction where highway 101 ventures inland and where we would pick up highway one and conquer Leggett mountain. We also bumped back into the Michigan Boys and another couple, Greg and Emily, with whom we had camped with in the preceding days....A sixty mile ride up, up, up and then down, down, down......

Back on the chilly coastline of California, very tired and hungry. The gang decides on dining out at a fantastic restaurant called The Purple Rose....cold beer, warm food and flan... Bon apatite!

Alex from Michigan enjoys some desert before heading to camp to continue the festivities.

A well provided bear (beer) box for weary bicycle travelers.

The fantastic coastal town of Fort Bragg, CA. Suz and I take a five hour hiatus from cycling and explore the town. We mail some hard to find records home to ourselves and collect more compact thrift items to fill the panniers. We refresh supplies and head to Van Damn State Park for a supper & rest.

Some more riders we met along the way...totaling around two hundred in all! Go cycling! HOOT!

Nautical decorations adorn many of the residences we pass along the way.

I dare you to try and knock this bird off my shoulder!

Another afternoon break for the bicyclists. A common practice that revitalizes and restores!

An exciting reunion between friends! We get a short moment at Salt Point with our dear friend Bonnie, who is stationed currently at a Buddhist center between Gualala and Jenner, CA. xoxoxoxo

A decadent flan breakfast topped with fresh mango, banana, and dates! That's how we roll yo!

A morning hike up through coastal paleodunes to explore a pygmy forest.

Leftovers never tasted better!

Another road side picnic along highway one...

Foot print of our tent, a slight morning mist in Bodega Bay, CA

Reconstructing a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds! This will be photoshoped with attacking birds in the future. We found the town of Bodega just charming. Alex snapped his prescription glasses right in half when entering this town. A small dose of super glue saved the day, and his glasses!

"The 150 year old Potter School behind St. Theresa’s Church five miles south of Bodega Bay in Bodega, was vacant at the time of the filming. After Alfred Hitchcock’s crew repaired the exterior it was used for several scenes. Today it is a private residence and is sometimes open for tours. The school teacher’s house was a façade erected during the filming. The Catholic Church, briefly visible in the film, was made famous when it was photographed by Ansel Adams."

Our final camping breakfast! Note the gourmet tasty carrot cake! Raccoon concrete box provided a much needed security.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Next up: San Fransisco>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

1 comment:

MOM CAT said...

Hi Kids....So much fun to share in your fantastic summer adventure along the Oregon and California coast lines. I love seeing all of the exotic food shots and my favorite,Suz pose,was the scene in front of the church..from the movie the birds..Scare tactics and all! Looks like you had a lot of fun meeting friends and sharing stories and yummy meals. So happy you are having such a great summer adventure to always look back on and remember! Love Always, MOM CAT